Brisbane, Australia


Pair 9 - Jenny McGowan / Vanessa Brewis
Place: 2, Percentage: 54.76%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 12: Carla Ferro / Trish Wiemers4C SAH11150867%  
Board 22: Carla Ferro / Trish Wiemers3S SAH8-100542%  
Board 32: Carla Ferro / Trish Wiemers2NT STS9150650%  
Board 42: Carla Ferro / Trish Wiemers4S N9D12680975%  
Board 511: Robyn Wells / Ruth Bloxham4H N5D12680975%  
Board 611: Robyn Wells / Ruth Bloxham4S WJC10-6201083%  
Board 711: Robyn Wells / Ruth Bloxham3S NAH6-300217%  
Board 811: Robyn Wells / Ruth Bloxham1NT W6C8-12018%  
Board 95: Rhonda Henry / Felicity McKenzie2S SKH81101083%  
Board 105: Rhonda Henry / Felicity McKenzie3NT W2D81001192%  
Board 115: Rhonda Henry / Felicity McKenzie4H WKD10-420867%  
Board 125: Rhonda Henry / Felicity McKenzie4H N9C116501083%  
Board 138: Martin Wu / Lilly Jia2S EJD8110542%  
Board 148: Martin Wu / Lilly Jia5S W4S135101192%  
Board 158: Martin Wu / Lilly Jia6S N2C12-1430650%  
Board 168: Martin Wu / Lilly Jia4S W8H9-100217%  
Board 1710: Debbie Carroll / Jacinta Lee1NT WTS10-18000%  
Board 1810: Debbie Carroll / Jacinta Lee1NT W3S51001083%  
Board 1910: Debbie Carroll / Jacinta Lee1NT W3S8-120542%  
Board 2010: Debbie Carroll / Jacinta Lee4HX SAS7-80000%  
Board 214: Lesley Anderson / Alan Coulston3NT NJH720012100%  
Board 224: Lesley Anderson / Alan Coulston4H NKC12-480433%  
Board 234: Lesley Anderson / Alan Coulston4S EAD1165012100%  
Board 244: Lesley Anderson / Alan Coulston4S SJC11-450758%  
Board 257: Anne Gardiner / Gloria Newton1H NTC7-80217%  
Board 267: Anne Gardiner / Gloria Newton1NT E3H9150758%  
Board 277: Anne Gardiner / Gloria Newton2H N8D750758%  
Board 287: Anne Gardiner / Gloria Newton2C WAD9110542%  

Click on the Board Number to display that complete board, or click on a Pair to show that Pair's performance.

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